Call Recording Features

Asterisk Consulting provides a range of contact centre solutions for businesses throughout Ireland and the UK. One of the most popular call centre software solutions is Call Recording which includes the following features:

Features Asterisk Consulting
Full-Motion Video Managers can view the entire customer interaction, synced with the telephone audio, providing insight into the flow of business systems and processes.

Simple Configuration

Multiple users can be configured using an intuitive interface. Monitoring can begin in a matter of minutes.

Multi-Level Access Rights

Administrators can assign permissions to managers for monitoring, screenshot recording, video, playback and reporting on individual employees and groups.

Multi-Site Support

Live monitor and record video from any location with the interface.

Search and Retrieve

Desktop video recordings can be retrieved through searches by multiple criteria (date, user name, etc.).


Synchronized screen and audio exportable in mpeg4 avi files.

Record & Playback of All Calls

On-Demand Recording

Live Monitoring

Mobile Phone Recording

PCI Compliance


Multi-tenancy for Hosted

Quality Management*

Screen Recording*

Call Tagging/Exporting

Multi-Site Call Recording

Look-Back Call  Recording

White Label for branding

Audit Trail

Selective Recording

Fine-Grained Privileged Access

Auto – delete

File Management/archiving

Filtering (IP-DID Range)

Extended Codec Support